Get a real-time view of your cash flow forecasts, quickly answer key financial questions, prevent a financial crisis, and point your business in the right direction.- Easily combine all your key financial data from different companies into one place. In just a few clicks, compare and consolidate multiple cash flow statements.- Effortlessly integrate multiple what-if scenarios for your business with our tool. Seamlessly merge different scenarios and evaluate the outcomes for more informed decision-making.- Quick, simple error-free analysis of your cash flow statements and projections directly from your accounting software.- Ensure set-up and navigation is easy with our onboarding service and ongoing support.- Export your cash flow reports in PDF, Excel, and Powerpoint formats with ease. Seamless exporting options enable you to share your reports with your team or stakeholders in just a few clicks.- Easily visualize your cash flow position and build solid financial data relevant when applying for loans or credits to expand your operations or have emergency expenses to cover.